Pulse Secure Doorbell-Patented!-This Patent is for sale.
This Doorbell is Unique as not only does it have a camera it has an infrared beam to take your temperature, a fingerprint scanner
for a pulse reading and validate your identity as well as voice and face recognition for identity purposes, as well as the camera to see who is there. Then once all the checks are complete all green lights are on the door will open. If not no access will be given. The temperature is to check for covid 19.
There is a speaker and a 911 button.
A person will contact you if needed.
This system can be used solely or integrated into a full security system and can be used for Airports, Schools Businesses, at the school for attendance and businesses for a time clock in addition to the existing features.
There are many options that Pulse can be used. A Non-Provisional Patent application has been Approved !.This Patent is for sale or license.
Contact: ross@pulsesecuredoorbell.com